Workshops and practical training on QA/QC in PET – March 22-24, 2023.
In March this year in Bydgoszcz, as part of the Technical Cooperation Program of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the National Center for Radiological Protection in Healthcare (POL9027 project), training and workshops conducted by international experts in the field of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of PET scanners will be held – Dr. Ivo Rausch and Dr. Elena De Ponti.
This event will consist of 2 parts:
- March 22, 2023 there will be stationary and online sessions with our experts, during which training lectures posted on our YouTube channel KCORwOZ * will be discussed in detail. Participation in this event is open to the public and free of charge on-line (register), and stationary for few selected project participants.
- March 23-24, 2023 practical workshops devoted to issues related to QA/QC in PET will be held at the Oncology Center for participants of the POL9027 project. They will concern, among the others, the correct preparation of various types of phantoms depending on the type of test, cross-calibration and standardization of PET scanners, and also practical training in acceptance testing resolution, sensitivity and set noise equivalent counts rate (NECR) quality control procedures used for PET.
The program of training and workshops can be downloaded here.
Detailed information is provided by e-mail:
* An integral part of the workshop are trainings that are available on our YouTube channel ( KCORwOZ):
Dr. Elena De Ponti:
Lecture 1. Quality management system, quality assurance and quality control in medical imaging:
Lecture 2. Quality controls in PET/CT: a practical example of protocol:
Lecture 3. Quality assurance program for Computed Tomography:
Dr. Ivo Rausch:
Lecture 4. Position Emission Tomography, Basics and new technologies. Part 1:
Lecture 5. Position Emission Tomography, Basics and new technologies. Part 2:
Lecture 6. Quantification in PET and factors influencing PET quantification: