Committees for protocols and external clinical audits
In accordance with Article 33s (1) of the Act – Atomic Law (consolidated text Dz. U. of 2021, item 1941, as amended) at the office of the minister of health there are committees for protocols and external clinical audits in the field of:
1. radiotherapy,
2. nuclear medicine,
3. radiology and diagnostic imaging.
Pursuant to Article 33s (2) of the above Act, the committees:
1. elaborate medical protocols in radiology for standard medical exposures referred to in Article 33t (1) of the Act;
2. carry out external clinical audits referred to in Article 33u (1)(2) of the Act in healthcare facilities;
3. make quality assessment of screening tests for cancer and the results thereof, referred to in Article 33zc (1) of the Act.
Each committee dealing with protocols and external clinical audits is chaired by a national consultant in a given field, i.e., in radiotherapy, nuclear medicine or radiology and diagnostic imaging.
Committee Chairmen:
Radiotherapy Committee
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Składowski, National Consultant for Radiotherapy;
Committee for Nuclear Medicine
Prof. dr hab. Leszek Królicki, National Consultant for Nuclear Medicine;
e-mail :
Committee for Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Walecki, National Consultant for Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging;
Each committee is composed of experts appointed by the minister responsible for health: a national consultant in medical physics (or his representative), representatives of the minister responsible for health, a representative of the minister responsible for home affairs, a representative of the Minister of National Defence, and representatives of the association of physicians and dentists, as well as scientific societies dealing with the application of ionising radiation in medicine.