Regulation of the Minister of Health of 19 October 2021 on the information kept in the National Database of Radiology Equipment (Dz. U. of 2021, item 1959)
Atomic Law – Implementing Provisions
Regulation of the Minister of Health of 14 October 2021 on granting radiation protection inspector authorisation to perform internal supervision of compliance with the requirements for radiation protection in healthcare entities (Dz. U. of 2021, item 1908).
Regulation of the Minister of Health of 18 October 2021 on the form and detailed scope of model medical radiology procedures for standard medical exposures and detailed medical radiology procedures (Dz. U. of 2021, item 1920)
Regulation of the Minister of Health of 14 October 2021 on the minimum requirements for healthcare entities carrying out medical exposure activities involving provision of health services in the field of radiotherapy and treatment with radiopharmaceutical products (Dz. U. of 2021, item 1890).
Regulation of the Minister of Health of 13 September 2021 on the minimum requirements for healthcare entities carrying out medical exposure activities involving the provision of health services in the field of X-ray diagnostics, interventional radiology or diagnostics involving administration of radiopharmaceutical products to patients (Dz. U. of 20 September 2021, item 1725).