Krajowe centrum ochrony radiologicznej w ochronie zdrowia

Summary of QA/QC training and workshops in PET/CT.

On September 25-29, 2023, another online training and workshops in quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) in PET/CT was held. The training and workshops are a part of the IAEA TC POL9027 project ” Enhancing the Capabilities of Positron Emission Tomography Departments to Provide High Quality Imaging and Therapies to Promote Safety Culture”.
More details about:
– training here
– workshops here

New version of the “iRefer guidelines” Polish website

We are pleased to announce that after a busy period of preparation and consultation, a new version of the “iRefer guidelines” Polish website is launched in a test version available here. Both websites will run simultaneously for three weeks and then the new, an even better suited to users’ needs website, will replace the current website on November 6, 2023.

The new iRefer guidelines website has a refreshed and more transparent appearance. It allows you to take full advantage of the guidelines as a valuable aid for referring physicians and clinicians to select the appropriate imaging test for a specific clinical case, making it easier to find specific clinical cases and appropriate recommendations. The guidelines will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Thanks to NCRPHC renewing its subscription with The Royal College of Radiologists and financing the project by the Ministry of Health, the iRefer guidelines in Poland will continue to be available free of charge and without restrictions to all doctors.

Właściwe badanie za pierwszym razem

Wytyczne iRefer to szeroko stosowane, ważne narzędzie, stworzone na podstawie dowodów naukowych i wykorzystywane w badaniach obrazowych. Przeznaczone są do użytku w codziennej praktyce szpitalnej i w gabinetach lekarskich. Przejrzysty układ witryny umożliwia szybkie odnalezienie przypadku klinicznego, co pozwala lekarzowi kierującemu na badanie łatwiej dobrać najlepszą, najbardziej bezpieczną i najwłaściwszą technikę obrazowania.

Serdecznie zachęcamy do zapoznania się z nową witryną „Wytyczne dla lekarzy kierujących na badania obrazowe": tutaj

Right Test, First Time

The iRefer guidelines are aimed at all healthcare professionals to help determine the best, safest and most appropriate imaging investigations. They are important tool based on scientific evidence and intended for widely use in everyday hospital practice and in doctor’s offices. The clear layout of the website allows you to quickly find a clinical case. Ensuring that the most appropriate imaging test is conducted at the right time can have a major impact on healthcare provision more widely.

We cordially encourage you to visit the new website: here.

IAEA Webinar

We hereby inform that that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organises a webinar on patient radiation exposure monitoring in medical imaging in line with the latest guidelines as set in the recently published IAEA Safety Report No. 112.

The webinar (in English) will be held on 14 September 2023, at 2 pm CEST.

The lecture “Patient Radiation Exposure Monitoring in Medical Imaging” will be presented by: Annalisa Trianni (Italy), Ehsan Samei (USA) and Hannu Järvinen (Finland).

More information and registration link available here.

We invite you all to take part in this webinar.

QA/QC PET/CT workshop in 26-27 September 2023 and 28-29 September 2023

We invite you to the QA/QC PET/CT workshop in September. National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care in collaboration with International Atomic Energy Agency organize workshop in POL 9027 project. Workshop will be leading by international QA/QC PET/CT experts: Dr Elena De Ponti and Dr Ivo Rausch.

More information available here

QA/QC PET/CT training in 25 September 2023

We invite you to the QA/QC PET/CT online training in September. National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care in collaboration with International Atomic Energy Agency organize online training  in POL 9027 project. Online training will be leading by international QA/QC PET/CT experts: Dr Elena De Ponti and Dr Ivo Rausch.

More information available here
