Lecture 6. Elżbieta Wojciechowska-Lampka „Radiotherapy of pregnant women”

Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 29, 2023.
Lecture 6. Elżbieta Wojciechowska-Lampka „Radiotherapy of pregnant women”
Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 29, 2023.
Lecture 5. John Dickson „Standardisation in nuclear medicine”
Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 29, 2023.
Lecture 4. John Dickson „Role of the Medical Physics Expert outside radiotherapy”
Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 30, 2023.
Lecture 3. Mitchell O Gorman, Marcin Suchomski “Reducing costs and improving patient outcomes using xWave Clinical Decision Support“
Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 30, 2023.
Lecture 2. Martin Kepa “Impacts of iRefer Clinical Decision Support software on imaging appropriateness and health system efficiencies: A UK case study“
Description: Lecture delivered as part of the 14th National Conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED 2023 in Łódź, May 30, 2023.