The links below contain recordings of lectures and speeches that took place as part of the conference “Ionising Radiation in Medicine” PJOMED and the IAEA TC POL9028, IAEA TC POL9027 and IAEA TC POL9025 projects implemented in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. These lectures and speeches posted on the YouTube channel of the National Centre for Radiation Protection in Health Care (NCRPHC) are publicly available, have been translated into Polish and can be viewed free of charge.
● Symposia
● Symposia
● QA/QC training in PET, Bydgoszcz
● Symposia
● Training on quality control procedures for radiopharmaceuticals in healthcare facilities
● Training on methodology for quality control testing in nuclear medicine
● Training on safety and radiation protection in nuclear medicine
● Training on patient-specific dosimetry in nuclear medicine