Krajowe centrum ochrony radiologicznej w ochronie zdrowia

EU publication “Medical Applications of Ionising Radiation for Better Patients’ Lives: a European Research Roadmap”

The European Union has published the Medical Applications of Ionising Radiation for Better Patients’ Lives: a European Research Roadmap, a major outcome of the Euratom Horizon 2020 EURAMED rocc-n-roll project that also builds on the challenges and research needs identified in its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA).

Based on a patient-centric approach, the roadmap presents 8 potential breakthroughs that may significantly impact medical applications of ionising radiation in relation to patients’ life expectancy and quality of life, radiation protection and healthcare systems.

The vision of this roadmap is to provide guidance to European policymakers, funders, and the scientific and clinical communities regarding priority research, infrastructure development, and education and training actions related to medical applications of ionising radiation.

The publication is available on the EU website: Medical applications of ionising radiation for better patients’ lives – Publications Office of the EU (
